
We all have our favorite kinds of coffee. Some of us have tried coffee all over the world and had adventures with it. It is the second most important commodity after oil. Because of how it makes us feel, it’s best to talk to some of us after our second cup of the day.

So, until now, people have been doing it wrong when it comes to coffee and losing weight. Making a cup of coffee won’t help you lose weight. Face it, it’s been tried many, many times. And does it work? Not for everyone, not for long, and the parts that make it work are usually taken away soon after it comes out. We now have plôs thermo because of bio-hacking genus. This is a “SNAP” that you just squeeze into your favorite hot (or cold) drink and enjoy. It’s a non-dairy milk that makes your favorite drink even better.

Simple! This bio-hacking non-dairy creamer helps us lose weight by improving our happiness and lifting our spirits. It also has thermogenic properties that help burn stored (unwanted) fat.

When it comes to coffee, we all find our favorites. Some of us have gone around the globe trying and adventuring with coffee. It is the #2 Commodity next to Oil. Because of how it makes us feel; some of us are best spoken too after our 2nd cup of the day ev

Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?

Let this “Amazing” Morning Coffee help you to lose 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat and inches a month!

My eating habits, patterns, and way of life are probably not that different from those of most people. That’s just like a “Foodie”! YES!!! I like nice things, and I’m very proud of my taste in food, wine, and chocolate. Now, a great piece of pie or cheesecake is also hard to turn down. Also, you’ll find that food tastes better. And even though you’ll usually eat less, this coffee will make you not want to eat and make you eat to feel better.

Here is what I Want. We’ll call it “My Cake”.

We all want to get up in the morning and be excited to start the day. To be aware and ready to do something. I want to think about my goals every day. From a financial, spiritual, physical, and mental point of view.

I want to make a difference in the lives of other people. To help them grow and build, and to give them time, money, and freedom in general.

I want to be able to spend great time with others while eating good food. To enjoy great food and the art of making it. I really like wine a lot. And not just any wine, but only the best ones. I’ve been lucky and happy over the years to be able to relax with wine. To end the day in a good way, to think about what I got done, and to spend time with my Spouse. We like to talk about the day and what we have planned for the future. Even tomorrow’s, next week’s, and next month’s futures.

These are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (Before I found my Solution)

I would get out of bed excited to start the day. Start the coffee, get ready for the day, and you’re good to go. Every day, I did everything I could to make things better, brighter, and fuller for everyone I could help, touch, and inspire to be the best they could be.

As I do this, I often eat good food and drink good wine. I’ve also been noticing that my weight is slowly but definitely going up. I even pay attention to my health by swapping meals with shakes that are healthy and low in calories. I trade bad decisions for good ones, so in theory I could still enjoy all the Fine Foods and Fine Wine in the evenings, which I call “celebrating the day.” Though it seems like my body and I are at odds with each other, so I’m always fighting to gain or lose weight.

I was always trying crazy things to lose between 40 and 50 pounds at a time. These methods are not “Eating My Cake” and always require a lifestyle that is different from what I like. So, of course, it couldn’t last, because it wasn’t where I wanted to be. So, the fight went on.

This is not fun, and I know a few other people who have gone through the same thing as I did. (DID — keep reading, because this fight is over.

UNTIL… I found a way out. So I could have my cake and say “Eat my Cake!” And all I had to do to fix it was change my morning cup of JOE? Literally, that’s all I did. I didn’t change anything else.

And these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution)

coffee and wine

I would get out of bed excited to start the day. Start the coffee, get ready for the day, and you’re good to go. Every day, I did everything I could to make things better, brighter, and fuller for everyone I could help, touch, and inspire to be the best they could be.

As I do this, I often eat good food and drink good wine. I’ve also been noticing that my weight is slowly but definitely going up. I’m even aware of my health needs and try to eat meals that are healthy and low in calories.
This is why I hear the phrase “coffee and wine” all the time now. Plus, I can tell the people around me about it. It is an amazing thing. I feel like I’ve found the “Unicorn” of ways to lose weight. Though I don’t plan to keep it a secret and will tell anyone who will listen. We only get one shot, right?

Great weight lose.

With our plôs warmer, all you have to do is add this AMAZING stuff to your coffee (or whatever drink you like). You get to enjoy the taste and flavor, and you also get to FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. So, get help losing those annoying INCHES around the stomach, legs, and butt. You’ll always want to thank me, just like I’m already grateful to the friend who told me about this. I can lose weight and keep it off without having to go on a crash diet or follow other strict rules. During the morning, I just drink one to two cups of great-tasting coffee and use the plôs thermo as my creamer. I feel great and have a lot of energy when I do it.This has been shown to help you lose weight, and we add it to our favorite coffee. Using common sense, I eat well and have a great dinner (with wine) most nights of the week. We also have fun and “splurges” on our weekly Date Nights. Also, thanks to plôs thermo, we look and feel great. And wait, there’s more where that came from!

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not need to measure out anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

Everything: the job, the family, the bills, etc. We don’t deserve to be in pain because of our weight and fatness. We need a helping hand, and adding plôs thermo to our favorite coffee (or other favorite drink) gives us the tools we need to lose weight. It disappears as if by magic.

If you need help paying your bills… Check out the Business Side to see how we lose weight and pay off our debts at the same time. Information is available as you prepare to order plôs thermo, and you can get in touch with me by signing up – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> for my newsletter. You can answer right to me, and we can talk more about this.

Want to HELP yourself lose weight?You need to add Bio-Hacking’s power! Here it is!!!It’s great to be able to add this amazing non-dairy creamer plôs thermo to your morning coffee. But we have even more amazing “Awesomeness” to help you sleep, feel better, improve your mental focus and mood, improve your hair, nails, skin, and so much more.